How to Erase your debt

Get Rid of HIGH INTEREST Holiday Debt

Plan to minimize spending that’s racking up interest on credit cards/unsecured loans.

Mail post

Many people suffer from post New Year’s hangovers as their holiday spending account statements begin to arrive in their mail/inbox. This year, start the year off with a plan to minimize your monthly expense and your interest carrying costs by conducting a no-cost, no-obligation financial check-up with Mortgage Advisor.

They are uniquely equipped to provide both mortgage, unsecured and RSP loan options to assist you in having a plan for 2020…and beyond.

As an example, please see before and after scenarios for clients that took steps to rid themselves of high interest debt, and their result was a monthly savings of $1700 and an ability to reduce their mortgage amortization by 10 years.

Before and after

You can use these savings to ease your monthly cash flow, and/or apply it to pay your mortgage down faster! For example, by putting $800 of the $1700 of the new cash flow savings against the mortgage, you can reduce the amortization by 10 years and save almost $40,000 in interest over the mortgage term.

Start the New Year right with a no-cost, no-obligation financial check-up with BestRates Mortgage Advisor.